© 2021, 2023-2024 by Zack Smith. All rights reserved.
My spreadsheet application
zSpeadsheet is my very frugal Qt-based application that is quite responsive even on resourced-contrained computers like the Raspberry pi 4.
It supports the following files type:
- Read and write its native .isp file format
- Read and write CSV (comma separated value) and TSV (tab separated value) files
- Export to HTML
- Export to RTF
- Export to Excel 2003
- Support for HiDPI e.g. Retina displays.
I wrote it in C++ and I built the GUI using the Qt 5 user interface library.
While I wrote it to run mainly on Linux systems, both Qt and C++ are platform-agnostic so it could potentially run on Windows, MacOS, Haiku OS, etc.
zSpreadsheet is essentially my Linux port of my iOS app of the same name, to which it is functionally equivalent.
I don't intend it to be as sophisticated as something like LibreOffice, but rather it is a manifestation of my philosophy of frugality and simplicity in computing.