© 2014-2019 by Zack Smith. All rights reserved.
Handy GPG commands
To encrypt a file with a password | gpg -c file |
To decrypt a file using a password | gpg -d file |
To import someone's public key | gpg --import public.key |
To show all the keys you have | gpg --list-keys |
To print your public key as ASCII | gpg --armor --export |
To encrypt a file you are sending to someone | gpg -e -u Sender Name -r Receiver Name filename |
To encrypt a file using your private key | gpg -e file |
To decrypt a file using your private key | gpg -d file |
To create a new public and private key pair associated with an email address | gpg --gen-key |
OpenSSL for encrypt and decrypt files
To encrypt:
openssl des3 -salt -out file.des3 -in file.zip
To decrypt:
openssl des3 -salt -d -in file.des3 -out file2.zip
Encrypted USB thumb drives on Linux
To wipe the drive | sudo dd if=devzero of=devsdX count=10000 |
To set up encryption on the drive | sudo cryptsetup luksFormat devsdX |
To open and name the drive | sudo cryptsetup luksOpen devsdX DriveName |
To format the opened drive's partition | sudo mkfs -t ext4 devmapper/DriveName |
To mount the drive | sudo mount devmapper/DriveName usb |
To unmount the drive | sudo umount usb |